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  1. El Programa original de David Hilbert y el Problema de la Decibilidad.Franklin Galindo & Ricardo Da Silva - 2017 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 37 (1):1-23.
    En este artículo realizamos una reconstrucción del Programa original de Hilbert antes del surgimiento de los teoremas limitativos de la tercera década del siglo pasado. Para tal reconstrucción empezaremos por mostrar lo que Torretti llama los primeros titubeos formales de Hilbert, es decir, la defensa por el método axiomático como enfoque fundamentante. Seguidamente, mostraremos como estos titubeos formales se establecen como un verdadero programa de investigación lógico-matemático y como dentro de dicho programa la inquietud por la decidibilidad de los problemas (...)
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  2.  37
    Church's Undecidability Theorem (1936): Formulation and presentation of the main ideas of its demonstration.Franklin Galindo & Ricardo José Da Silva - 2017 - Apuntes Filosóficos 26 (50):8-31.
    Church's Undecidability Theorem is one of the meta-theoretical results of the mid-third decade of the last century, which along with other limiting theorems such as those of Gödel and Tarski have generated endless reflections and analyzes, both within the framework of the formal sciences, that is, mathematics, logic and theoretical computation, as well as outside them, especially the philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of logic and philosophy of mind. We propose, as a general purpose of this article, to formulate Church's Undecidability (...)
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  3.  30
    Decidable and undecidable fragments in First order logic.Ricardo José Da Silva & Franklin Galindo - 2017 - Apuntes Filosóficos 26 (50):90-113.
    The present paper has three objectives: Presenting an actualization of a proof of the decidability of monadic predicates logic in the contemporary model theory context; Show examples of decidable and undecidable fragments inside First order logic, offering an original proof of the following theorem: Any formula of First of order logic is decidable if its prenex normal form is in the following form: ∀x1,…,∀xn∃y1,…,∃ymφ; Presenting a theorem that characterizes the validity of First order logic by the tautologicity of Propositional logic, (...)
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  4.  8
    Apuntes para una introducción al logicismo.Ricardo Da Silva - 2019 - Apuntes Filosóficos 28 (55):181-199.
    The following note has on purpose to introduce interested students to logicism. Our objective is not to show any new interpretation or thesis about logicism or its rebirth between the 60s and 80s of the last century. What we will do is systematically show the evolution of logicism from Frege to Russell-Whitehead, with greater emphasis on this latest development, and approach some problems that arise within that movement, for example: The logical paradoxes and the principle of intuitive comprehension, the impredicative (...)
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  5.  9
    Nota editorial: Celebrando a la lógica.Ricardo Da Silva - 2019 - Apuntes Filosóficos 28 (55):6-7.
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  6. Se as afirmaçoes sobre acontecimentos contingentes futuros forem agora verdadeiras ou falsas, pode o futuro permanecer ainda em aberto?Ricardo Tavares da Silva - 2012 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 68 (1):245-274.
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  7. Un acercamiento al platonismo absoluto de Cantor.Ricardo Da Silva - 2013 - Apuntes Filosóficos 22 (42).
    Hacia finales del siglo XIX se llevó a cabo una gran revolución conceptual y metodológica en la matemática. En tal revolución se empezaron a emplear conceptos, métodos y técnicas que dejaban de lado la antigua forma de hacer matemática, propia del siglo XVIII y principios del siglo XIX, y a su vez proponían un Hacer abstracto, es decir, una forma abstracta de ocuparse del ente matemático. Pero no sólo se trataba de un cambio metodológico, sino que la pregunta por los (...)
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  8.  16
    Virtudes teóricas en tiempos de pandemia: la simplicidad contra las teorías de la conspiración.Ricardo Da Silva - 2020 - Apuntes Filosóficos 29 (57):85-116.
    The turbulent times we live in, product of the COVID-19 pandemic, creating an ideal breeding ground for the proliferation of myths and conspiracy theories. These myths and theories are often popular on social media, defended by irresponsible politicians and published by the media in search of ratings or likes. But none of these meet the theoretical virtues that a good scientific theory should enjoy, in particular, none of these conspiracy theories about the disease caused by the SARS CoV-2 virus has (...)
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  9.  14
    O pensamento conservador no Amazonas: a interpretação de Arthur Cézar Ferreira Reis sobre a formação do Brasil.Carlos Gileno, Rodrigo de Medeiros & Ricardo da Silva - 2019 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 25 (2):166-190.
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  10.  53
    Conducta ética de parte de los profesores, estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado: el punto de vista de los pacientes de algunas escuelas odontológicas.Letícia Oliveira Tonin, Letícia Ferreira dos Santos, Cristhiane Leão de Queiroz, Julia Gabriela Dietrichkeit Pereira & Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (1).
    Introduction: The importance attached to ethical practice and related informed consent varies among health professionals and is further influenced by working environments, level of knowledge, experience and societal values and beliefs. The objective of this study is to evaluate the ethical conduct of professors, undergraduates and graduate students through questionnaires answered by patients. Methods: One hundred twenty patients at the dental clinics of three different dental schools in São Paulo State were interviewed based on objective and discursive questions about signed (...)
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  11.  36
    (1 other version)Fraqueza da Vontade e Liberdade.Ricardo Tavares Da Silva - 2020 - Dissertatio 1 (51):313-337.
    Os casos de fraqueza da vontade (incontinência) são tidos como paradoxais. Há, pelo menos, uma tensão entre tais casos e a lei psicológica que relaciona avaliações e volições: se julgamos que fazer x é melhor do que fazer y, então queremos fazer x; porém, por vezes, julgamos que fazer x é melhor do que fazer y e, ainda assim, queremos fazer y em vez de x. Como noutras propostas, defendo que a incompatibilidade é aparente. Porém, não rejeito que haja verdadeiros (...)
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  12.  10
    Lógicas no clásicas. Una introducción. Antonio Benítez. [REVIEW]Ricardo Da Silva - 2019 - Apuntes Filosóficos 28 (55):234-243.
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